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翔泰醫療器材企業有限公司及其相關企業成立於 1996年,由五位醫療專業人員組織成立,專門 經營醫療產品之進出口貿易及台灣地區代理、行 銷業務。至今除了原有醫療診斷部門外,也成立 現代基礎醫療居家護理及生物科技醫療產品相關 部門,2007年發展網路醫療、人文事 業。本公司本著多角化經營、產品多元化、市場 彈性化之經營目標,以增進全民健康,提高健康 品質為本公司經營宗旨。 ABOUT SHINING TOP SHINING TOP was founded in 1995. We are a distributors of Johnson & Johnson in Taiwan. We have many successful working experiences with world famous brand project. Such as, Johnson & Johnson, Abbott, Ortho, Organon and Roche etc. We have a professional, enthusiasm, solidarity, responsibility team; so we can always have good performance and we have complete channels in different fields. Includes, Hospital, Clinic, Research institute, sports center, Veterinary Hospital, Public health bureau, etc. Facing this highly instructive and creative period, we must work hard ceaselessly and optimistically. We are urged on by the times, each of us must now brace up and improve ourselves day by day. We must march toward our bright future and our common goal with one mind. It is obvious that if we cant stand on firm ground and continue to augment our accomplishments, we could easily forfeit all that we have gained. So we must broaden our minds and set our sights high. The vista before us is steadily widening. For the future. 發展沿革1996年:成立,由五位醫護專業人員組成,成立實驗診斷部門。 1997年: Johnson & Johnson 250、500、750型 (大型生化分析儀) 2001年:成立居家護理部門。走向醫療產品多元化,深入醫療基層。 2002年:Ortho Blood Bank 2003年:Abbott Glucose meter 2004年:成立偏遠醫療產品部門2006年:預防醫學部門-自由基分析儀2007年:成立公司網站。成立主旨: 1. 建立公司形象,加強服務品質 2. 因應醫院評鑑、認證需求,加強資料建檔及客戶下載資料需求 3.成立網站企業經營,經營三大主題: I) 傳統醫療設備市場 II) 引進國外寵物精品市場 III)醫護人員專屬人文藝術欣賞 Johnson & Johnson DT System (血液生化分析儀)超音波滅菌除臭機Abbott cell-DYN 1200 成立北部分公司成立南部分公司 1、代理國外知名醫學廠牌如:Johnson & Johnson (嬌生)、Abbott (亞培)、HiTACHi(日立)相關醫療產品。 2、銷售研發生物科技產品。 3、醫院醫療經營管理咨詢顧問業務。 4、經營醫療儀器、醫療設備相關產品。
Technology is a company which desires to create new products for people. We hope that we can create specific products of socks for you and create a concept of health when people wear our socks. Let people understand the relationship between foot and health deeply, clearly and professionally to prevent every problem of foot and to make people have a healthy body. Our company has devoted to do the research of socks for 20 years. (E-SHANG ENTERPRISE CO., LTD was established in 1988 and changed the name into TSUNG-HAU TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD in 2003.) We follow the purposes of having professional skills, providing good service and regarding our customers to manage our company. We produce every kind of socks. We can also produce specific socks which are designated by our customers. Our professional design and fashionable products of healthy socks will make our customers be satisfied with the quality of our products.
何嘉仁國際文教機構成立於1983年,27年來全心投入教育及文化工作,稟持「誠正、踏實、創新」的理念,堅持提供優質的教學與服務。在各界的肯定與支持下,企業得以穩定的成長。除了台灣各縣市的教育服務據點及書店門市外,2004年也於新加坡成立第一個海外據點,除提供當地幼稚園及國小學生優質學前和語言教育外,更規劃專業完善的冬夏令營遊學團服務,是亞洲地區孩子跨向世界最佳的前哨站。2008年年底前更將於加拿大、澳洲及上海成立辦事處,期許讓何嘉仁的教育服務觸角可以向國際延伸。然而「人」是一切服務之本,唯有優質的團隊才能提供優質的服務,是故創造所有學生及工作夥伴最高的學習及工作成就,是機構的期許與目標,完整的訓練計劃則是我們一貫的堅持。目前機構共計有近3000位員工,另有近600位來自美國、加拿大、澳洲、紐西蘭---等國家的外籍教師夥伴加入我們的行列,期望凝聚跨國界的力量,帶領全亞洲的孩子自信走向世界!Daring to Dream!!誠摯邀請您的加入! Hess Educational Organization was founded in 1983. In the past 25 years, we have dedicated ourselves in pursuing excellence in the areas of education and cultural awareness. Through the hard work, dedication and creativity of our international workforce, we have steadily grown each year, including the establishment of our first international school in Singapore. We provide an excellent learning environment for both our students and team members, ensuring that each individual reaches his or her highest learning potential and acquires a sense of accomplishment. As a result, employee training is regarded as one of our most important and biggest investments. We currently employ nearly 3,000 employees, including 600 from the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa. Our diverse international workforce allows us to provide a wealth of experience, culture and different perspectives that we can pass on to our students. We welcome you to join our excellent team.
” The Best Memory in Your Life ” 僑集科技成立於西元1994年,最初營業項目以記憶體模組之買賣及境外公司在台之採購代理為主。在 孟董事長及經營團隊的努力下,業務蒸蒸日上,於2001年擴大營業,成立自有之生產線,並遷址於內湖科學園區,同年並榮獲經濟部國際貿易局表揚名列全國前1000大出進口績優廠商,2001年起晉升為全國前500大出進口績優廠商。 僑集科技以記憶體儲存裝置之生產與銷售經驗為本,充分掌握後PC時代的產業脈動, 所生產銷售的DRAM與Flash相關應用產品,市場含蓋了個人電腦、工業用電腦、網路通訊、消費性電子與資訊家電等3C產業,展望未來, 僑集科技將秉持著”The Best Memory in Your Life “ 之宗旨,朝向成為” 世界級之記憶體儲存裝置領導廠商”之路邁進。 Veritech Industrial Ltd., was founded in 1994 as a manufacturer of single/double sided, multi-layered memory modules, and peripheral products for personal computers. Today, Veritech is an internationally recognized corporation with offices and distributors worldwide. The experience of our management team in computer manufacturing, systems development, and international trade spans over 25 years. Our mission is to provide reliable products at competitive prices to our customers. Quality and service is the backbone of our business philosophy. Our consistent certification by the International Organization of Standardization (ISO 9001:2000) confirms our strong dedication to service and quality. With an onsite production facility, Veritech is able to ensure stock availability, prompt delivery, and vigorous quality control measures.
Keller Kalmach 成立於1878年,至今已有130年歷史,為一穩健經營之企業;德國總部位於慕尼黑,為德國主要五金、扣件、手工具批發通路商之一;近年來,公司集團成績顯著,總銷售額達1,9億歐元,庫存品項五萬件,集團全球員工數量515名;集團位於德國當地有十二個行銷據點,此外東西歐地區八個分公司,客戶數達兩萬。 Keller Kalmbach was founded in Munich in 1878 as a wholesaler of screws and black-smiths supplies. Today, KK is one of Germanys leading wholesale dealers in con-nector and fastener technology, custom parts, tools, power tools, and other assembly items, for trades and industry. In recent years, Keller Kalmbach has developed more and more into a logistical service provider for industry, and holds a leading position in this market. The total group achieves sales of over 190 million Euros with over 50,000 items in stock, and employs a staff of about 500. The almost twenty thousand customers are serviced from the head offices, or from one of the eleven sales agencies throughout the country.
Founded in 1975, Ipsos is a company of inquiring minds and passionate people giving a voice and shape to the thoughts of millions of individuals around the world. Ipsos is also the only independent, publicly-listed company in its field that is managed by research professionals. We explore, probe and challenge conventional wisdom. We assess market potential and interpret market trends. We test products and advertising, and help our clients build long-term relationships with customers. - Rank among global survey-based research company: No. 3 - Listed on the Paris Bourse since 1999 - Total Revenues in 2008: 979 million euros - Number of countries with Ipsos offices: 60+ - Total number of countries we do research in: 100+ - Number of full-time Ipsos employees: 8,000+ 易普索成立於1975年,是一個集合眾人智慧並且由一群對行銷研究及市場調查領域懷有熱情的人所組成的公司,提供全世界千萬人的聲音與想法。易普索也是全球研究調查專業領域中,唯一由行銷及市場調查專業人士來管理,而且獨立、公開發行上市的公司。 我們探討、調查及挑戰傳統,我們評估市場潛能及解釋市場趨勢,我們測試產品及廣告,並幫助我們的客戶與他們的顧客建立長遠的關係。 - 全球第三大專案市場研究公司 - 1999年7月在巴黎股票上市 - 2008營收: 979百萬歐元,約460億台幣 - 在全球各地超過60個分公司 - 全球共有超過8,000名全職員工 - 每年執行超過2千萬個訪問
何嘉仁國際文教機構成立於1983年,25年來全心投入教育及文化工作,稟持「誠正、踏實、創新」的理念,堅持提供優質的教學與服務。在各界的肯定與支持下,企業得以穩定的成長。除了台灣各縣市的教育服務據點及書店門市外,2004年也於新加坡成立第一個海外據點,除提供當地幼稚園及國小學生優質學前和語言教育外,更規劃專業完善的冬夏令營遊學團服務,是亞洲地區孩子跨向世界最佳的前哨站。2008年年底前更將於加拿大、澳洲及上海成立辦事處,期許讓何嘉仁的教育服務觸角可以向國際延伸。然而「人」是一切服務之本,唯有優質的團隊才能提供優質的服務,是故創造所有學生及工作夥伴最高的學習及工作成就,是機構的期許與目標,完整的訓練計劃則是我們一貫的堅持。目前機構共計有近3000位員工,另有近600位來自美國、加拿大、澳洲、紐西蘭---等國家的外籍教師夥伴加入我們的行列,期望凝聚跨國界的力量,帶領全亞洲的孩子自信走向世界!Daring to Dream!!誠摯邀請您的加入! Hess Educational Organization was founded in 1983. In the past 25 years, we have dedicated ourselves in pursuing excellence in the areas of education and cultural awareness. Through the hard work, dedication and creativity of our international workforce, we have steadily grown each year, including the establishment of our first international school in Singapore. We provide an excellent learning environment for both our students and team members, ensuring that each individual reaches his or her highest learning potential and acquires a sense of accomplishment. As a result, employee training is regarded as one of our most important and biggest investments. We currently employ nearly 3,000 employees, including 600 from the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa. Our diverse international workforce allows us to provide a wealth of experience, culture and different perspectives that we can pass on to our students. We welcome you to join our excellent team.
羿昇國際廣告事業有限公司 ( VIAN ADVERTISING CO.,LTD. ) 羿昇國際廣告事業有限公司 ( VIAN ADVERTISING CO.,LTD. )是由一群很努力的女人細心灌溉下組合而成的工作團體,之後加上了一群十分有能力的男人形成的巨大力量。我們將每一位客戶及每一位模特兒都視為家人般對待,希望能夠在這個團隊裡實現每一個人的夢想。我們誠摯的邀請每個人加入我們的大家庭,成為我們的家人。 Our group, was found by a group of hard-working women and men whom always give their 100%. We seem all of clients and models as our warm welcome family members. It’s our important accomplishment for team members reaching their success. Finally, we are grateful to get people involved and to become part of this welcome family in this special opportunity. Sincerely,
We are a network of trading partners that supply to the world and sell to the world. All companies will compete and cooperate so we are among the most efficient and cost-effective operation in the world. 本公司為進出口貿易採購商,所經營產品為各類禮品及雜貨,專銷美國、加拿大、澳洲及歐洲。 經營理念: 誠信、分享,在共同目標下尊重個人,效率、創意、服務 總公司位於台北市,以上資料所填寫的通訊及聯絡地址 是彰化辦事處的聯繫方式。 若對以上資料有相關問題的話,請來電告知
兩個簡單的英文單字「FUN」+「DIY」組成, 也正代表我們的精神 『用心創造、無限樂趣』! 芳笛科技是國內唯一針對行動通訊、網際網路、語音及一般通訊服務提供全方位解決方案專業行銷團隊。我們提供各種通訊技術,協助行銷人員、廣告主、內容業者在無線化時代中找尋創新行銷溝通模式,並藉以開創無限商機。 芳笛科技本著在通訊領域的專業, 以及致力於各種相關行銷工具的開發, 並提供完善的客戶服務與通訊 行銷應用指導等,成功地扮演 通訊行銷「服務提供者」角色! 提供服務如下: a) 手機雙向簡訊、電話語音(0941、0951、0204、0209)目前為各大電視節目設計手機贈獎活動,不但負責互動活動設計規劃(Interactive Messaging)及語音內容企劃、程式撰寫等;也共同參加節目創意發想。更提供異業通路整合建議,讓活動成效擴大!更提供了與消費者間的互動、回覆意見管理及參加者的資料整理等。 b) 與行動電信公司緊密結合,提供3G內容、遊戲、圖形與鈴聲下載等付費內容。 c) 獨家授權國內外知名畫家等圖像進行商品客製化等行銷應用。 芳笛科技努力在移動通信和有關的市場過程中探索令人激動的新商機。我們將繼續建立我們的成果並且透過對行動娛樂的承諾獲得競爭優勢。
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